Would you like donate your time, energy, and passion for the community? Get in touch with us today to help with food deliveries, supporting our elders with shopping, telephone support, and much much more ...
I am a proud Islander who has worked across the 3rd sector in youth development, women's empowerment, interfaith, and advocating for tenants and residents issues.
CONTACT MEI have always advocated for an inclusive and diverse community so that we can celebrate and live together in harmony. My vision is to create a platform for everyone to contribute.
CONTACT MEI have lived on the Island for 35 years and I have throughout my life volunteered for projects around youth, faith, and sports. I hope to lead on the youth programme for Island Network.
CONTACT MEI have lived on the Island for over 20 years and my passion is to serve the community. I have dedicated myself for the Covid-19 response and coordinating the volunteering programme and food deliveries.
CONTACT MECopyright © 2021 ISLAND NETWORK / All rights reserved.